Monday, July 31, 2017

Wall Decor: Trendy Infographics

Clearly, this is not the first time that we have looked at ways to decorate empty walls. The usual ways of hanging a photo or a painting ought to do it for most people. But not for YOU! You have always been different. You have always craved to be different. You want your space to reflect you.

Infographics as wall decor is the newest fad that seems to have kicked in and it is not just the geeks that are getting into it. There is a fancy piece of infographic for every possible interest out there. Passionate about websites? There is an infographic for that. Want to show the world that you are a designer? There is an infographic for that. Want help in making coffee? There is an infographic for that!

web map
By Information Architects

Internet’s leading names and domains put on Tokyo’s Metro Map. Bizarre?
It has had it’s time in the sun for a while now.

By Dizzia

The CV infographic: Custom made to make a killer impression at your design interview.


Have trouble picking a font? Look to find your ‘element’ with this periodic table of fonts.

By Ritwik Dey

Your life as an infographic: So what have you been up to?

Creative firm Density Design in collaboration with the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto created a ‘Map of the Future’ for Italian tech magazine WIRED. The result is stunning. Follow the link to savour its full awesomeness.

Via Lokesh

Trouble creating that perfect coffee? Pin this up and you should be all right!

By Marcin Kuczynski’s

Infographic showing most famous names in 26 European countries. Don’t say you have trouble picking a name now!


We may be limping out of a recession. But some lessons should not be forgotten.

Alright, so they do not represent statistics, data or any other information. But they are cool!


By The Conversation Prism

The social web. In true colour.

Okay, this is not something you can stick on to your walls. But we just couldn’t resist including this. It is a website that shows real-time statistics like CO2 emissions, births, deaths, population sorted by country. Pretty cool and worth a look.


Author: verified_user